I love to cook and I love to eat! This is a photo blog of things I have eaten out or cooked myself ^^

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Rolled meat with salad

Mmm rolled meats with vegetables rock and are so easy to make when you get the hang of it. The other salad of sweet cucumber and mandarin is pretty damn nice too, it walks the line of a sweet savoury dish very well.

Menu: rolled meat, curry egg, sweet cucumber and mandarin salad, bacon mash with octodog.

Though this is all just leftovers from the picnic I packed for Territoy Day dinner XD should be nice and tasty for tonight too.

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Friday, June 18, 2010

Weekend bento O.o?

So every Saturday I go to my friends house to do some pen'n'paper roleplaying.

Being me I have now decided that taking a bento as dinner is more fun then buying my meal.

Menu: rolled steak with carrots and beans and onion, eggs with salt, pickles, happy rice with seasoning and steamed eggplants with miso sauce.

By the way the onion rolled meat is awesome. I now think the rolled meat is going on my face list as it is really easy, tasty, pretty and can be varrated easily.

However, it seems I am now trained to make enough for two bentos... Though this worked out well as I made two mini bentos for landrin and my lunch as well XD

For this mini bento I used mini onigiri flower moulds and pickles at decorate.

Simple mini bentos are pretty fun and a great way to use leftovers. I find I get leftovers as I overestimate how much will fit in a bento.

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Friday lunch challenage

So after a crushing defeat last week by my sister I knew this week I would have to bring it to the Friday lunch off between my sister and I.

My Menu: rolled steak with carrot and beans stuffing, pickles, cherry tomatoes with cucumber stars on picks, simmered mushrooms in soy sauce and happy flower rice.

Sister menu: terryaki chicken donburi, rolled omlette, pickles, cherries, and tempura vegetables.

I won cause of the smiley face on my rice. Let me know what you think.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Grilled chicken bites

Finally made a bento worth sharing again.

While I have still been making my lunch I have not been doing anything great to post. Today's is both pretty and yummy!

Menu: grilled chicken bites, curry flavoured egg, red bean cake, pickles, honey carrots, salted cucumber, and rice.

The soy used to base the chicken was a dark soy cause it has a much stronger and sweeter taste. Both the pickles and the red been cakes are from Takayama, Japan from my little side trip last month.

Also I will be showing off some of my new bento supplys that I brought home soon. I have soo many new toys I don't know which ones to play with.

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