I love to cook and I love to eat! This is a photo blog of things I have eaten out or cooked myself ^^

Thursday, April 29, 2010


So I wanted some indonesiean food at home and went a head and made some. One of my favorite recipes from when I was a child is pork in dark soy and add one of my favorite recipes from today chili eggplant and egg and it's a winning combination.

But I spent too much time cooking so I did not make the bento pretty but rest assured it was damn tasty!

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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Daikon and carrot salad

This is actually yesterdays lunch. But I forgot to put it up until now.. Woolies had daikon in like they randomly do so I brought some wondering what to make I found a recipe for daikon and carrot salad. It's pretty easy just chop vegetables and some rice vinager and put in fridge for a day ... Good thing I made it early!

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Sunday, April 18, 2010

Tempura bento

So friday I also made a bento for my sister, landrin and myself. I made a favorite in my house, karage chicken~

I think I am getting better at portions, I dd not have any gaps that I had to madly try and think of any thing XD

For today's lunch I kept it very simple cause tempura can be over powering in texture. Sesame rice, salty cucumbers and mixed tempura.

Yesterday at the shop I found cute little sauce containers so I made the tempura dipping sauce to go with lunch~

I am already excited about making tomorrows :-) it's going to have gyoza!

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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hokkien noodles

Menu: vegetable and hokkien noodles, potato salad, sweet apple and egg.

Simple and tast, though if I had a few more minutes I would had done something with the egg.

Left over bento!
Menu: taco sandwich, curry egg, potato salad, brocolli, and sweet apple dumpling sandwiches.

I first tried to make dumpling taco sandwiches but the mince kept spliting the bottom :( Australian bread is not great for pocket sandwiches as I have to be super careful with the crusts as there is only just enough room for the press.

But I am very happy with the apple sandwiches, landrin has been a huge fan of the sweet apples so I have been doing them all week but I wanted to mix it up today :-D

If they are good I might experiment more with sweet sandwiches. The dumpling style is good for low level of filling where the more traditional sandwich press is better for higher level of fillings.

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Sunday, April 11, 2010

Teady bear

Being a Sunday yesterday I had more time to work on my bento. Since I had not done a face bento in a while I just had to make a teady bear bento, and yes landrin has one too!

Menu: mini chicken drumsticks, potato salad, salad, teady bear rice and simmered sweet apple.

The teady bear was hard and he did not come out as cute as the book but I think he's pretty awesome for my first go. I was ment to make a egg mesh but ended up just making an omlette, though I now see how I can make a mesh and might try it another day this week just to see if I can. Since the patty was too thick I cut it in half to make the face and the rest is thanks to food dye and cheese.

The eyes and face are the hardest as I don't have a nori punch, though I think I shall get one when I am in japan in 6 weeks XD I have my shopping list ready~

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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Somen noodles

Easter is over, back to making my lunch. But there is always room for left over Easter eggs.

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